Friday, October 23, 2009

Karisma aka Kumpulan Rakan Siswa Jasa

Got not idea to say...but there are another blog talked bout this team...

Special blog for KARISMA, click...

My friend...

there is sometime, just view them k...
bye bye...

Monday, October 19, 2009


Tidak pernah disangka kenangan yang terindah boleh tercipta dalam sekelip mata...tanpa direka tanpa disangka...siapa tahu ketentuan Allah....Semua berlaku tanpa dijangka, perginya aku ke Kem Rakan Siswa sekadar saja-saja, ingin enjoy dulu b4 mengadap buku dan paper final yang berderet. Kebetulan ada tmpt kosong coz ada student yg ada quiz. Mcm x disangka. Igtkan kem biasa saje. Tak pnah pk nk investigate psl kem nih. Yelah, mana ada kem yg ada info tntgny kt ternet. If aku tau ada, aku search dlu. Tapi time tuh mst x best dah. hehe..mmg la, tiap apa yg berlaku ada hikmahnya...

Jumaat, 16 Oktober 2009

Trip Kem Rakan Siswa akan bertolak kul 2.30 ptg ke Ulu Yam. Tapi disbbkan ada studnt termsuk ana ada kelas, jd ada 2 trip. 1 grak kul 2.30ptg, 1 lagi kul 6.30 ptg. Fuh, berkejar ana balik dari kelas kt DKI. Kelas stat kul 5 till 6 ptg, mmg rush ke kolej, nsb pja bg pnjm kete...huhu...then, grak je ke Ulu Yam dah nk maghrib, x ley niat jamak plak tuh...Tg Malim ke Ulu Yam tak la jauh sgt sbnrnya, tapi disbbkan xpnah g n dh mlm plak tuh, take time jgak nk smpai, tup2 dh smpai BB Selayang...hehe...kna patah balik...hak hak hak...ada jek sore2 yg berkata,'Nak kena smpai 7 perhentian kot baru jumpa tmpt tuh' aduish, mulut sape nta yg kata g2...pape pun dalam kul 8.30 mlm, kitorg sampai kt Nur Laman Bestari. Fuh...cantek giler la tmpt tuh...kalo mlm dh nmpk cantek, pg apatah lagi kan??? hehe

Smpai jek, kitorg trus qada' maghrib n slt isyak sekali.pas2 g mkn mlm jap...dlm 9.30mlm dh kna kmpul kt dewan bestari 1, dh la jauh tmpt dia, berbukit sikit plak tuh...hum hum hum...tapi sejuk giler la...hehe...then kitorng diberikan taklimat b4 di bahagikan kumpulan. ada 5 kump, 1 kump 20 org, 5 lelaki 15 perempuan. byk kan kan kan...hehe...then lantik Bendahara(Azri-UPSI), Tun Teja(Suhaida-UPSI), Datuk Laksamana(xgt nama la-UIAM), Tun Fatimah(xtau nama dia, sory-UIAM)....Ops...lupa nak bgtau, ni gabungan studnt UPSI, UIAM dan Tunas Mekar UiTM Segamat. Ana group 5, kna jadi pen ketua..hurm cuak gak, x besela...if mmb yg kenal rasa yakin skit...hehe...ketua group name dia ery (btol ke eja???hurm...) 

Pastu, kitorg diberi taklimat tntg prog esk...ada 5 beg yg tiap group kna take care but then....tgh dok dgr Abg Aji (Ketua Fasi) ckp tup2 lampu padam, gtkan blackout coz ada kem yg pnah g tuh blackout jap, sonye biaq je la...tetba ada org spray dpan muka...bila lmpu bukak jek, beg amanah negara tuh lesap, upa2nya kitorng kna gempur oleh 'musuh negara' isk3...Dok psl2 crik musuh ngan kitorng...hish hish hish...esknya, kitorng kna lalui 4 station n 5 task yg padat lagi jitu tok dptkan balik beg tuh...hurm byk lagi nk citer nih..mcm 2 ari 2 mlm x ley abis jek...hehe...melampau sgt x perumpaan tuh??? hehe
Ni la my team...Group 5 yg hebat...

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Hari dimulakan dgn slt subuh berjemaah dan tazkirah oleh Pak Tassim (ke Pak Kassim, sowie terconfius...hehe) Pak Tassim sebut psl mengigt psl mati.mmg kekdg kita gerun bila sbut psl mati, cuma bila igt psl mati, sbnrnya mmbantu kita utk lebih insaf dan tawakal. bukan kita yg menentukan apa yg dihadpn cuma kita sekdr merancang. dgn menigt mati ni help kita utk lebih bersyukur dan menikmati hdup dgn lebih sempurna. hurm...

Pas slt subuh, g mkn breaskfast yg dikatakan sarap yg terakhir coz gagal slmtkan beg amanah. tapi if berjaya dpt beg amanah, group yg berjaya bley dpt a little food, etc... kitorng kena jln kuar dari kem, dh la kaw c2 giler bahaya, mmg seram, sume kete bwk laju2...isk3...station 1 & 2 dimenangi oleh group 1...jadik diorng dpt 2 beg amanah. station 1 is about kna isi air dlm baldi using paip bocor, mandi free beb...hehe...sdap kna tuang air..wakaka...

nieh gmbar org yg jaga baldi yang nak kena penuhkan tuh...hehe

Station 1: Task 1

Station 2 plak ada 2 task, 1 task tntg kna angkat bola gne 4 tali n 10 getah, memula tuh nk dpt dh tapi cuak beb, nk kna make sure bola tuh slmt diangkat, last2 group 1 gak yg menang..isk3...tapi x pe, kitorg ttp 1 Malaysia..hehe... task ke 2 plak tntg squirel climbing, pas over da tayar lalu air sg, then lalu jmbatan pastu g baling kt kon...hehe...pyh la nk cter...amik je la gmbr nieh...huhu...

Station 2: Task 1

 Station 2: Task 2

Station 3 plak, 1st time group 5 smpai cpt, pastu kna tmbak2 plak..gne snapang paintball...hehe...kitorng dpt 3 tmbakan...imagine 1 group ada 20 org, 1 org diberi peluang 5 tmbakan, so total tmbkan 100 tapi yg kna juz 3 je...hbt sapa yg tmbk tuh...bravo bravo...pastu, slt asar jap tepi jalan....nsb x da najis yg menyukarkan kitorng slt...hehe
Station 3 : Task 4

Station 4 and the last station...kna carik ibu ayam tok tangkap ayam...n suhaida ialah insan yang bertuah itu, mata ditutup dan berpandukan isyarat daripada mmb, tapi giler susah. sore ana yg besenya kuat pon dia x dgr...manataknya, giler bising..isk3, last2 group 3 yang dpt...pastu, Pak Tassim ajar cara sembelih ayam, agk takut la tapi ilmu yg baguih tuh...ayam tuh plak redha je kena sembelih, agaknya ia dh tau nk mati tak..hehe..
Station 4 : Task 5

Kitorng x trus balik pas abes semua station but kitorng lepak dlu. pastu fasi suro pilih sorg satu setiap kump, pilih yg terbaik utk jmpa penghulu kg kt Ulu Yam tuh tok dptkan kunci beg amanah. tapi terdetik kt hati aku, mana ada kg yg terdekat kt cni. paling dekat pon hmpr 10 km jaraknya. mcm illogik group kitorng anta Azzam, da one and only boy yang dihantar utk jmpa penghulu, yg len sume pmpn..hehe...Azzam, elokla tuh, ada 4 sudi isi kekosongan...wakakaka...guro jek, jgn mrh...huhu...

Pas slt maghrib n isyak, kitorg balik ke kem smula, dpt mknan best...hehe...masyuk...pastu gerak ke dewan bestari 1...time tu lah kitorg dpt tau yg kengkawan kitorng kna culik. pengganas aka komander dexter bagi 2 pilihan jek samada nk bg beg amanah negara ke nak kwn2 kna personal opinion la kan, I rather let them die for country than let my country destroy...b4 any conslusion, ktorng bncg hmpr 1 hours, pastu bru jmpa si dexter tuh tok wt rundingan, dexter n 1org kanan dia(kononnyer la kan) dtg, buat gaya ganas, tapi gila lawak la...dh la x tutup muka, rasa nk terguling2 tahan gelak...hehe...

Rundingan gila lama, dok bentak2 plak dexter n geng dia tuh...dh r bendahara blank sudah... tapi mmg cuak giler beb...pastu kata sepakat ialah let them die for country, merekalah wira-wira negara...time nk ckp psl keputusan yg dibuat nieh, smpt g kelawakan berlaku, bley plak Suhaida kata,'ok, kami dh buat keputusan, tapi sebelum tuh, kami nak buat 1 permainan, if kami menang, kwn2 kami dipulangkan,' aku tgk pengganas tuh nak gelak dh...wakakaka....but then kejutan berlaku bila laksamana dan ketua-ketua kumpulan g tgkp dexter n geng pas depa kuar dari dewan...gila mengamuk dexter tuh, yela, janji x nk wt laksamana kata, x dpt slmtkan kwn2 tuh, xpe, aslkan pengganas tuh mati...yela, dexter berpangkat komender, sonyer anak buah dia mst x ley grak sgt kan kan kan...yang paling lawak ialah dexter shake hand with laksamana then said,' ok, deal, aku mati'...waakakaka....
Then, we all kna nyanyi lagi warisan, gile nk nangis, yg lagi sedih bila ada ucapan terakhir dari mmb2 (kononnyer pengganas anta la kan), dh la Abg Aji psg lagu sedih...menitis jgak air mata ku...isk3...bendera di angkat separuh bagi menghormati pahlawan yg terkorban...mlm berakhir dgn kesedihan yg memilukan...

Ahad, 18 Oktober 2009

Hari yg terakhir...dimulakan juga dgn slt subuh n tazkirah...yg lawaknya, Azzam dtg lmbt skit pastu dia p la salam jemaah lelaki, ada ke ptt Abg Aji ckp,'tgk tebusan lepas kena lepas ngan pengganas trus jadi baik'...huhu...pas sarap, kitorng wat latihan TTS (tempur tanpa senjata)...mcm2 lawak aku tgk...ada 1 lat TTS, psl nk elak kna rogol,Abg Aji jmput la bdk la x kan nk suro pmpn plak. Muzakir aka Afi kna jd gurl n 1 boy tuh jd perogol, then Abg Aji suro Afi baring atas meja yg ada kt dewan tuh, pastu laju je Afi baring...yg Abg Aji nye gelak2 smbil kata,' dalam byk2 kem karisma nih, ni la kali pertama sy tgk mangsa nk kena rogol laju je naik atas meja, yg perogol plak takut nak nek atas meja.' wakakakaka... sume org gelak tgk. sdih, gmbr nye x da g dlm simpanan. t ana add k...

Then, ada wt rumusan tntg semlm. time ni la, dedah sume. pastu Abg Aji citer 1 perkara yg mmg kitorng x tau lgsg. Ye la, citer tntg tebusan. Erna (penggalas anugerah Tun Teja) salah seorng tebusan yang berjaya buka ikatan tali yang mengikat tangannya. Pastu bley plak dia lawan dengan matanya yg tertutup, yg paling mengagumkan ialah dia berjaya tewaskan 4 org penyenayah, kiranya dgn orng ke4 baru dia berjaya ditwn kembali. yg len dok diam jek termasuklah sorng jejaka yg turut diculik. giler lawak la bila dgr Abg Aji citer..hehe...

Last but not least, beg amanah dibuka n we all dpt medal mahasiswa wira negara dari JASA. berat giler medal tuh. ptt la beg amanah tuh berat...then sesi amik gmbr...dlm kul 3lbih bas smpai n we all grak blik KUO. upa2nya x smpi 1 jam pon dri Ulu Yam ke KUO. hehe...esk selasa 20 Oktober 2009, ktorng kan g UM tok majlis KARISMA nieh...sure gempak esk...aku agk pnat la esk, just imagine, 8-9 ada presentation finance, 9-2ptg stndby MQA, 2 ptg g kelas aljabar, dlm kul 3.30 gral ke UM smpai la mlm...isk3...x pe la, bukan selalu..hehe..k la till here I wrote my experience...hehe...rasa mcm ada kekurgan tp t akan diupdate lagi if igt...huhu...see ya again...ja ne...salam


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Salam 1 Malaysia...

Lamanya tak update blog nieh...Hurm, ni baru balik dari kem rakan siswa anjuran JASA. Best kem tuh...t ana update online kejap ke, pnjm laptop rum8...esk ada urusan akademik, lusa pun sama, ptg lusa ada kena g UM plak utk perjumpaan semua team kem rakan siswa...sure heboh la...hehe...k la..ja ne..t ana tulis lagi...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hye semua...

Hari ni lepak kat library...Settle kan asgmnt yang tertangguh. Tinggal 1 asgmnt nieh jek. Finance kne wat pasal direct selling...Aduh banyak plak info dier. Kne wat pasal HPA n Hai-O. 20% punyer pasal apapun sanggup...hurm...kalo tgk secara drafnya, kira2 90% dah siap, x edit lagik...hurm...fusin-fusin kpalaku memikirkan direct selling nieh...dh la isnin nak kena anta asgmnt teori (nasib dah siap, tggl print jek), nk settle minor yang ada skit jek problem (tukar time coz ada yg bertindan..hurm...), pastu selasa lagik gila...ada kuiz aljabar (tak study g nih), mlm ada majlis fakulti (cenderahati tok VIP tak bli lagik) pastu rabu ada mock-exam...aduish, sengsaranya...hurm...
Dah la semalam dah tgk draf exam, even draf pon dh cukup menyesakkan nafas...just imagine, stat 11 nov 2 paper minor (quite tough for me yang kurang pandai nieh), 12 nov finance (ni ok je subjek ni), 13 nov rekabentuk (can go lagi la), 16 nov MA & BC (BC can go lagi tapi bila tang MA, can not go...) isk3....tolong la daku...hum..hum..hum..
K la, nak sambung wat asgmnt...isk3...bubye

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Perempuan itu bernama Barabah

Semalam ada teater semester 7 punyer...
Sesaje la pegi tgk ngan member...
kebetulan ada member tuh ada persembahan jugak...
cuma bukan penuh la...

tiket dia patut aku bli kt Wan, tapi bz sgt so x jumpa...
aku g la bli on da spot...

Time teater ni, ada kelas kat audi 2,
sian depa, dah la test...isk3...

Teater ni best la, lawak la jugak...
bila dh nk abis tuh, busan la pulak...
ngantok sikit...
pelakonnya sumer sporting...

Ni sinopsis dia...
dua org kat ats ni pelakon utama...
Barabah dengan Pak Bario..

Ni antara babak yang ada...

Pastu kat kawasan legar audi tuh,
ada la paparkan karya student teater...

Ni pakwe kawan aku punya...
Molek beb...

Ni nama pereka model pentas tadi...
Petang nih, ada teater g tapi free punya...
aku nk p tgk tapi kelas la pulak...
minta member rakamkan...

1st time tgk teater xla sebusan mana...
next time nk p tgk lagi...
sayangila karya seni anak bangsa kita..

Saturday, October 3, 2009

APA Citation Style

American Psychological Association (APA) style is a widely accepted style of documentation, particularly in the social sciences. APA style specifies the names and order of headings, formatting, and organization of citations and references, and the arrangement of tables, figures, footnotes, and appendices, as well as other manuscript and documentation features.  

APA style uses the author-date style of parenthetical referencing, with such source citations keyed to a subsequent list of "References." Also known as the Harvard Style[1]. The APA Publication Manual provides basic guidelines for documenting both print and electronic resources. The section on electronic resources is updated and supplementd by the APA Style Guide to Electronic References (APA, 2007).

The sixth edition was published by the American Psychological Association in July 2009. It offers new and expanded instruction on publication ethics, statistics, journal article reporting standards, electronic reference formats, and the construction of tables and figures. Due to some changes in some areas from the previous edition, such as References, the information listed below should be used with caution as it does not reflect the most recent edition of the Publication Manual.

Reference citations in text are done using parenthetical referencing. Most usually, this involves enclosing the author's surname and the date of publication within parentheses, separated by a comma, generally placed immediately after the reference or at the end of the sentence in which the reference is made. 

However, it is also common for the authors to be the subject or object of a sentence. In such a case only the year is in parenthesis. In all cases of citation, author name(s) are always followed immediately by a year, and years are never presented without author name(s) immediately preceding it. In the case of a quotation, the page number is also included in the citation.

Full bibliographic information is then provided in a Reference section at the end of the article. APA style defines that the reference section may only include articles that are cited within the body of an article. This is the distinction between a document having a Reference section and a bibliography, which may incorporate sources which may have been read by the authors as background but not referred to or included in the body of a document.
1. Single author
Format should be Author's last name followed directly by a comma, then the year of publication. When one makes the reference to the author(s) directly as a part of the narrative, then only the year (and page number if needed) would remain enclosed within parentheses. The same holds for multiple authors.
A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2005).
Pauling (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
2. Two authors
Authors should be presented in order that they appear in the published article. If they are cited within closed parentheses, use the ampersand (&) between them. If not enclosed in parentheses then use expanded "and".
A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling & Liu, 2005).
Pauling and Liu (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
3. Three to five authors no
With three to five authors, the first reference to an article includes all authors. Subsequent citations in the same document may refer to the article by the principal author only plus "et al." However, all authors must be present in the references section.
A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, Liu, & Guo, 2005).
Pauling, Liu, and Guo (2005) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
Pauling et al. (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling et al., 2005).
4. Six authors or more
The correct format is (First Author et al., Year). In the reference section, all six authors' names should be included.
Pauling et al. (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.
5. Multiple publications, same author
If an author has multiple publications that you wish to cite, you use a comma to separate the years of publication in chronological order (oldest to most recent). If the publications occur in the same year, the Publication Manual recommends using suffixes a, b, c, etc. (note that corresponding letters should be used in the reference list, and these references should be ordered alphabetically by title).
Recent studies have found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2004, 2005a, 2005b).
Pauling (2004, 2005a, 2005b) has conducted studies that have discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism
6. Multiple publications, different authors
Follow the rules for one author above, and use a semicolon to separate articles. Citation should first be in alphabetical order of the author, then chronological.
Recent studies found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Alford, 1995; Pauling, 2004, 2005; Sirkis, 2003)
7. Direct quotes
The same rules as above apply here, the format being (Author, Year, Page Number).
When asked why his behavior had changed so dramatically, Max simply said, "I think it's the reinforcement" (Pauling, 2004, p. 69).
 APA Citation Style

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition, 2001

APA Style Guide to Electronic References, 2007

Follow these color codes:
Author(s) Date Title of Book Title of Article Title of Periodical
Volume Pages Place of Publication Publisher Other Information

Big Family of Mine

Raya 2009

 My Brothers and Brother-in-laws
(1 brother of mine not coming home)

My Sisters and Sister-in-laws
(1 sister of mine and 1 sister-in-law not coming home)

My Nephews and Nieces
(Not all my nephew and niece inside the pictures)

Here is the picture of my family....

Raya Oh Raya....

Raya kali ni agak meriah...Mana taknya, raya kt umah baru...huhu... atas ni, gambar umah time baru nak siap...tak amik gambar yang dah siap...huhu

Time ni lah, adik bradik sume trun...tapi ada gak tak balik, bese la, jauh nun di seberang sana...isk isk isk... Tapi memang penatla raya tahun nie, sume sebab ramai saudara yang datang. Tak putus-putus, rasa letih sangat. Seronok pun ada sebab boleh jumpa saudara yang lama tak jumpa. Anak-anak saudara semua kata ni barula betul balik kampung. Yela, before ni duk kat bandar, sekarang dah duk kampung, ibu and abah wat umah kampung. Dekat ngan umah atuk nenek belah ibu. Dah la kitorang rapat ngan mak bapak (kitorang panggil atuk bapak, nenek mak sebab dah bese dari kecil)...Bila dekat je ngan umah mak bapak, memang tak stay umah lama la...Sian abah ibu...Tak pe, bagi can abah ibu dating...hehe... 

Kalo raya tahun lepas, busy kemas umah nenek sampai tertido and balik uma pagi raya, kali ni pulak, senang balik tak kira 2 or 3 pagi sebab umah dah dekat. sebelah jek. tapi berbanding dulu, sempatla raya umah sedara, kali ni juz raya umah maklong belah abah jek, tu pon petang raya kedua...sedih...isk isk...umah mak bapak dah pi raya 1st, uma dekat, g bila2 pon boleh...memory beb, sebab 1st time adik beradik sebapa datang raya umah atok nenek belah ibu, ye la, diorang anak tiri ibu... terharu...huhu... 

Raya 1st and 2nd tak pegi mana2 sebab abah sakit perut. yelah, dah bese puasa, then time buka puasa yang terakhir tuh, masak macam2, memang tak ingat dunia la makan...abah dah la tak ley makan pedas, tapi bila ramai ni, sume tak ingat. best bila kumpul reramai ni...macam2 citer kuar. rapatkan mana yang jurang. kalo dlu jarang gurau ngan abang-abang, kali ni boleh gurau. seronok...kenangan raya kat umah baru ni memang best. hehe...Raya ke-3 plak, abah ngan ibu g JB bawa Ain sebab nak bli barang sekolah, ana tak pegi sebab dah janji nak tolong mak bapak, yelah time tu la sedara adik beradik mak nak datang. sekali diorang datang umah aku, memang berlari aku dari umah mak ke umah...marathon jap...hehe...kat umah tuh tinggal aku jek, jadi aku la kena layan. Nasib mak datang sekali, aku tak reti layan...hehe...yang pasti raya kali ni meriah la...tahun depan camne la yek??? huhu...k la...